About me
Hi there and welcome to my site!
My name is Jacek Dabkiewicz and I’m an engineer who takes a great pleasure in solving problems, especially in Technology. Currently my focus is directed at web technologies, which I apply as a tool to build digital products that users enjoy interacting with. I achieve that by applying timeless principles of simplicity, usability and common sense.
I’m based in London and when I’m not coding on my laptop, I’m most likely nurturing my curiosity with a book. I’m fascinated by philosophy and neuroscience. I enjoy looking at the world through a camera lens, especially while traveling.
Below, you can have a look at some of the cool stuff, I’ve been playing with recently.
Recent Projects
Live streaming and always on-demand video platform for digital events
Live Digital Events Platform
Agenda and planning tool for large live and online events with per brand theming
Event Schedule App
Subscription based data and news platform for sustainable energy investors
Green Energy Investment Platform
Large-scale SaaS platform for conversion rate optimization using neuroscience principles
A/B Testing software
Wordpress website build on top of Genesis framework with dedicated child theme and custom-made plugin
Yoga Studio website
Pattern library extension module to enrich UI with animating shapes